"Ow! You got my vote posting 'Avatar' on the list... I also liked it but it is just 'ok' and not all that."

"Nicholdon was a really great joker, but.. Heath Ledger made one perfect work right there and yes, Ledger was better. But that's ok, it's a matter of opinion and I got yours :D "

"Great list! but your comment about 'Taylor Momsen' won my vote for itself HAHAHA."

"liked the idea :D Ghost World and Oldboy are on my 'want to watch' list and you made me more interested for them. They look really good"

"Jared Leto got and 'extreme body modification' for the movie Chapter 27. you may see it This list seems to be only for 'males' characters and actors, but if it's not, Charlize Theron got one for the m"

"Great list! I did not know there was so many movies about titanic's tragedy. I've watched just James Cameron's version but I'd really like to watch the others..."

"+ http://www.listal.com/movie/prince-persia-sands-time + http://www.listal.com/movie/super-mario-bros-1993 + http://www.listal.com/movie/street-fighter-legend-chunli"

"It's true he's awesome as an actor, but as a person he's a completely asshole, what a pity :("

"Realmente, o coringa no #4 ficaria รณtimo"

"donnie darko's beginning is not actually the end.."

"http://www.listal.com/viewimage/961974 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/934612 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/934593 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/288919 Kimberly never had a 'normal' hair and I go"

"+ http://www.listal.com/viewimage/935775 That's Starr Lil Sutta, Jessica's dog (and best friend haha). Jess loves her, Starr has a twitter too (http://twitter.com/StarrLilSutta) and once jessica went "

"+ http://www.listal.com/person/lucy-gordon I think her last movie was spider man 3."