"What about this one? http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2114244"
"heath ledger made it unforgettable.... +1 Ledger was the best in person +1 heath ledger made it unforgettable.... +1 of curse heaaaath leger for sure +1 But Nicholson and Romero also made incredible "
"I loved this list and I love Friends. I just missed Phoebe in this list. It seems she wasn't even there :/ Anyway Monica was always my favorite one"
"But she could work out her body a little bit. And she has no boobs. Anyway I'd marry her."
""Avatar - Runtime: 178 min (extended cut)" God, I almost slept on the normal cut so I wonder how bad is the extended one. Same goes to Lord Of the Rings (all of them) and King Kong. Actually I just a"
"God I've read this list a hundred times but I still laugh, SO GOOD AND FUNNY!"
"I just don't agree with Pet Sematary and Christine. These two (movies and novels) are on my favorite's list. And 1408 is on my worsts list"
"I love to read Stephen King's novels! Great list, I'm going to keep it in mind when I chose horror movies to watch"
""The drug was the hardest boyfriend I ever had to break up with. I dug deep as to why I got there." I liked this quote by Fergie"
"I had already noticed that, but this list makes it clears"
"Jessica Sutta: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/1890673 Jake Gyllenhaal: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2164300 Heath Ledger: http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2164302 Ashley Roberts: http://www.listal."
"Agree about Richard Kelly, I love Donnie Darko but it was really the only good movie he made (but he made my favorite movie of all so I forgive him). And Tim Burtin is still a good director but I und"
"A great list! I'd also put some of the best horror directors here. They are the ones that most made great movies and ended badly. Example: John Carpenter that went from great movies like Halloween "
"Jessica Sutta http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2151760 x Anahi http://www.listal.com/viewimage/2151761"
"that's a great list but I had to think during some time to understand it haha"